Order Cancellation
How can I cancel an order?
To cancel your order, you can easily do so from your confirmation email within one hour. Just scroll down to the "Changed Your Mind?" section and follow the cancellation instructions. If more than 60 minutes have passed, please email support@Sneakers-uk.com , and our team will assist you in finding an alternative solution.
I accidentally canceled my order. Can I resume it?
If you mistakenly canceled your order on the website and would like to receive it after all, the best course of action is to place a new order at the checkout. If you have any questions, feel free to email support@Sneakers-uk.com, and we'll be happy to assist you.
I canceled my order, but I'm unsure if it went through. Can you confirm the cancellation?
If you canceled your order using the cancellation link provided in your order confirmation email, you will receive another email confirming the successful cancellation. If you haven't received a cancellation confirmation email, please let us know at support@Sneakers-uk.com, including your original #OFR order number, and we will investigate it for you.
I don't see the option to self-cancel my order. How can I proceed with canceling it?
If your order includes a gift card or if you are unable to find the self-cancel option, please contact support@Sneakers-uk.com as soon as possible. Include your #OFR order number and provide details about your cancel/change request, and our team will assist you accordingly.
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